
The world is growing at a rapid pace with the help of new age technologies. We people are responsible to help, inspire and educate students and developers. Our doors are open to all those who wish to learn.






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Our Mission

Our mission is to empower every person on the planet to achieve more, by helping them build new skills.

Our Plan

Want to start with with a technology? We're here to help you achieve your goals by hosting amazing sessions regularly.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to build a community focused on collaborative learning, available to all for free.

What we do

We organize meetups to engage people

Conduct Webinars

Deliver on demand sessions on various topics

Help in boosting your knowledge through our sessions

Help you improve your networking

Engage with leaders from top industry and research groups

Our Values

Upcoming Events

Introduction to Azure Fundamentals

Join us for this amazing session on 25th December to learn about Azure App Services and to host a webiste & connect a domain name for free. The session will also cover how GitHub can be used for web hosting.

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Introduction to Generative AI

Introduction to Generative AI (Cloud Skills Challenge) is a form of artificial intelligence in which models are trained to generate new original content based on natural language input. In other words, you can describe a desired output in everyday language.

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MLSA Introductory | Meetup

Discover limitless possibilities at MLSAComsatsWah Meetup. Engage with Microsoft technologies, connect with like-minded peers, and fuel your passion for innovation. Elevate your learning journey with us.

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Contact Us


Micrososft Student Ambassadors, COMSATS Wah

Phone Number

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